
Have you seen it?

It’s blowing around right now and it might be accumulating on your patio and the surface of your pool.  It’s yellow pollen and it’s everywhere from late January to the end of April.  The Houston area is one of the highest pollen hot spots in the nation.  You can’t avoid it, but you can keep it off the patio and out of the pool filter.  In between downpours that wash the pollen out of the air and down the streets, you can do a few things to keep it to a minimum.

Removing Pollen from the Pool

Run the filter 24/7.  That’s your first line of defense.

Skim the pool with a good net.

Use aluminum sulfate to bind the pollen into bigger clumps so it can be trapped by the filter.

Manually vacuum the pollen that makes it to the bottom of the pool.

If a stain remains, remove it with a little Jack’s Magic stain.

Weather Channel Allergy Tracker


The Woodlands

