Our thanks to the safety experts at Katchakid for this list of important safety precautions to take around your pool and spa.The Katchakid Code
Never, not even for a second, leave children alone around open standing water of any kind — swimming pool, spa, pond, river, etc.
Always know where your children are.
Never rely entirely on a safety device or product – nothing can replace constant adult supervision.
Never allow your children to swim alone or without an adult present.
Check the pool first when your child is missing.
Never think or assume that someone is watching your child unless you have designated an adult to watch the water.
When entertaining or using the pool, always designate an adult, who can swim, to watch the water at all times. If available in your area hire a lifeguard.
Maintain your pool. Keep the water clear and clean so visibility is kept at a maximum.
Do not swim in thunderstorms or any inclement weather.
Position all swimming pool jets in such a way that any floating objects will end up in the shallow end of the pool close to the steps or ladder.
Remove all toys and floating objects from the pool when it is not in use.
Never allow bikes and ‘rideable’ toys in the pool area.
Have a telephone jack installed by the pool. Never go to answer a door or telephone bell while your children are swimming or your pool is unprotected.
Buy and have on hand equipment approved by the US Coast Guard – life preservers, life jackets, shepherd’s crook etc…
If you have a pool safety fence – do not leave chairs, ladders or other objects near the pool that would allow a child to climb up and over. Make sure all fence gates have self-closing latches.
Make sure your child understands how jumping or diving into water can result in injury. Know the depth of the water and the location of underwater hazards before permitting children to jump or dive.
Teach your children to swim and cope with all conditions of all types of water – e.g. depth, water temperature, tides, currents, and weather.
Use approved personal flotation devices whenever on a boat or fishing, and while playing near a river, lake, or ocean.
Teach children not to walk, skate, or ride on weak or thawing ice on any body of water.
Teach your child to never attempt to rescue a pet
The spa must have a secure locking cover.
Make sure the spa has an emergency shut-off switch.
Don’t heat your water over 102 degrees.
Make sure the spa has more than 1 drain with safety drain covers.